The last fling before the ring. The last sail before the veil. The all important party before Ms. turns into Mrs that you could be done planning in 24 hours from now!! We’re making it easy by giving you the prettiest recipe filled with local Edmonton goods and treats! Read; No guessing about online orders, no paying for shipping, no waiting for shipping, no driving around for miles, NO DISSAPOINTMENT!!
1. Get organized. Just like with everything else wedding related, being organized is key and if you can nail this step, you can plan a pretty fantastic bridal shower in less than 24 hours if you want to!
- Who is invited? (Make sure they’re invited to the wedding so you don’t end up with an awkward situation).
- Where will the shower be held? Floor plan?
- What date?
- When does it start, when does it end? Timeline of events?
- How will it be executed? (Who is in charge of what? Delegate if you need to.)
- BOOM! You’re done the hardest part.

IG: WineandBeyond
2. Pick up some grub and something to chug!
Champagne, wine, wiskey or lemonade essentials can all be picked up with a pit stop at Wine and Beyond. If it’s liquid, it’ll be here.
Next stop, the Italian Centre! Cheese boards, pastry trays and other perfect finger foods that you can order online.
3. Make it pretty! Now you need some pretty things to help you eat all that pretty food. The Bridal Box has everything you need to get you started. Complete with place settings for 12 people, confetti and cupcake toppers you won’t need much else for a picture perfect party.

4. Get sweet! Has anyone else noted that cake, cupcakes, cookies AND champagne all start with C? I think I’ve found my favorite letter.
- Cake! Check out Milk and Cookies Bakeshop list of signature cakes full of delicious flavors.
- Cookies! Sweetness Yeg’s bridal themed cookie boxes are almost too pretty to eat. Keyword: Almost!
- Cupcakes! Baked fresh daily, Crave Cupcakes come in both regular and mini sizes! So many flavor options and you can eat one while holding champagne in the other hand. It’s really a win – win.

IG @MilkandCookiesBakeshop

IG @CraveCupcakesYeg

IG: @SweetnessYeg
5. Games. Now that you’ve made sure that you won’t have to deal with a room full of “hangry” people, you can get people moving. The Bridal Box gets you started with 3 included games, but if you need more, head over to Pinterest for 100’s of ideas. They don’t have to be complex to be fun. Have some tunes playing while everyone is to pump people up and fill in any silences.
6. Picture this. It’s no secret that people LOVE to take pictures. Because, if you don’t take photos of an event, did it really even happen? Pick up a pretty backdrop from a decor rental company or head to Pinterest to learn how to DIY one on the nearest wall.
Remember to make sure to have a designated area for gifts, jackets, shoes and handbags so that they don’t clutter your party space.

IG: NeatPhotoBooth
P.S display your #hashtag somewhere noticeable so you can catch up on the missed memories later!
7. Be grateful. Show your guests how thankful you are that they came to spend the day with you by sending them home with a little keepsake. Hop over to The Makers Keep, home to so many wonderful local goods and browse either of their two locations to your heart’s content. They’ve got both edible goodies, like delicious Violet Chocolate Co chocolate bars and non-edible goodies like Prairie Chick Print coffee mugs.
One last thing! Send a handwritten note on pretty Justine Ma thank-you cards to those who went out of their way to help out and take a moment to appreciate how many wonderful local businesses we have in Edmonton! They make our jobs as party planners a heck of a lot easier!

IG: JustineMaDesign

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